Most of the time, some people have pain in the upper abdomen similar to a cramp. These pains most often appear a few hours after a meal. This is the ulcer. In this article, find out what an ulcer is and what treatments are right for you.
A gastric or duodenal ulcer is a sore that forms on the inner lining of the stomach or duodenum. It is characterized by an inflammatory character that digs the thickness of the wall of the stomach or duodenum. The ulcer manifests as pain in the epigastria. It is caused by an imbalance between stressors in the stomach and defense factors in the stomach. The cells represent the defense factors. They secrete protective mucus. The stressors are represented by the secretion of acid and especially by the presence of a bacterium found in 90% of cases. This bacterium is called helicobacter pylori. Very often duodenal ulcers are more common than stomach ulcers.
Treatment of gastric or duodenal ulcer can only be done with medication. Indeed, it should be noted that any individual suffering from ulcer or showing symptoms of this disease must follow his diet. It is therefore forbidden to consume certain foods that can cause the secretion of acid by stressors. When you have this condition, you should follow a diet plan. You shouldn't wait until you feel the end before you eat. This could make the disease worse and lead to complications. For the medical treatment of stomach ulcer, drugs are prescribed to decrease the acidity in the stomach. Antibiotics are added to these drugs to destroy Helicobacter pylori. Antisecretories are prescribed for a month and antibiotics for a week. At the end of treatment, it is essential to perform a control gastroscopy to ensure healing of the ulcer.